Monday, July 9, 2007

Palestinian factions condemn PA

Palestinian factions condemn PA - Israeli agreement to open Kerem Shalom Crossing for stranded Gazans

"Gaza – Ma'an – Three Palestinian military factions urged the Egyptian government to urgently address the humanitarian tragedy at the Rafah Crossing, between Egypt and Gaza, on Monday.

Fatah Al Yasser and Abu Ar Rish Brigades, affiliated to the Fatah movement, and the An Nasser Brigades of the Popular Resistance Committees, issued a joint statement rejecting the use of the Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom Crossing as a replacement of the Rafah Crossing for the return of the 6,000 stranded Palestinians.

The factions said they will not remain silent and will consider their options to solve the problem. The factions added that the return of the citizens of Gaza through the Kerem Shalom Crossing is a "dangerous move".

Similarly, the Islamic Jihad movement expressed astonishment at the emergency government's agreement to use the Israeli crossing as the entrance point for Palestinians, trapped at Rafah Crossing.

The movement issued a statement on Monday saying "agreeing on this is considered a contribution in support of occupation plans." The statement said it "rejects the use of this crossing as it is the occupation's crossing."

The statement urged Egypt to reject the move and appealed to the Palestinian Authority to retract from this agreement. "

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