Friday, July 20, 2007

Pimping For Israel: Iran attack could be 2nd Holocaust, Gingrich warns

"WASHINGTON – Former House speaker and possible presidential contender Newt Gingrich said Thursday that the United States should make efforts to bring about a regime change in Iran and warned against the dangers of Tehran attaining nuclear weapons.

An Iranian nuclear strike on the United States could be more ruinous than the Japanese attack in 1941, Gingrich told Project Israel, a non-profit organization established to provide the American media with information on Israel.

On Thursday Project Israel held a press conference on the Iranian threat, and invited presidential hopefuls to participate and voice their opinions on the issue.

According to Gingrich, the danger to Israel is even greater if Iran should attain weapons of mass destruction. Using one or more nuke against Israel could be "a second Holocaust" for the Jewish people, said Gingrich, who is considering running on the Republican ticket.

Rival Democratic candidate Senator Hillary Clinton expressed her opinions in a letter to the organization, saying that American policy on Iran must be unambiguous: We can't let Iran build or acquire nuclear weapons, and we can't allow it to support terrorism, she wrote......."

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