Saturday, July 28, 2007

Popular Resistance Committees reject PA platform that excludes "armed resistance"

By Tony Sayegh

Vichy "governments" are not known for resistance, armed or otherwise. To the contrary, they are set up by the occupiers to use violence against the population if it dares to offer any resistance, even resistance through thought and words.

Witness the actions of the Palestinian Vichy goons on the campus of Al-Najah University in Nablus. The students held a peaceful, ordinary protest on campus against the arrests by the IOF of fellow students. They attempted to pass out some leaflets. This form of resistance was not tolerated by the representatives of the Vichy government on campus who called in the Abbas' goons from outside.

Dozens of students were beat up, tear gas was used, arrests were made and one student (21 years old) was dragged away, severely punched and finally shot in the head at close range in full view of scores of witnesses. That student died yesterday. The Vichy authorities did not even allow a funeral and refused to investigate. Two other students remain in critical condition.

So, this is the role and mission of this Vichy government: it is occupation by other means.

"Khan Younis - Ma'an – Abu Mujahid, spokesperson for the Popular Resistance Committees, criticized Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's caretaker government for removing the phrase "armed resistance" from the official platform adopted Friday by the Palestinian Authority.

In a press release issued Saturday Abu Mujahid said, "Resistance has always obstructed the Zionist project." Abu Mujahid asserted it is not within the power of the government to relinquish armed struggle, because resistance is the right of the Palestinian people.

Originally a group of militias dedicated to defending refugee camps, the Popular Resistance Committees formed during the second intifada. They have since grown to include former members of Hamas, Fatah, and Islamic Jihad.

The Arabic word "muqawma," literally meaning "resistance," was not included in this edition of the Palestinian Authority platform, even though it has appeared in all previous versions of it.

Palestinian Minister of Prisoner Affairs Ashraf Al-Ajrami confirmed Friday that the omission of the word was intended to specifically exclude violent struggle, saying, "The Abbas government has dropped the use of armed resistance from its program."

According to the Israeli daily Haaretz, Hamas also rejected the platform, reserving the right to take military action against Israel."

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