Monday, July 16, 2007

Qaddoumi refuses to attend central council meeting with Israeli approval

Contributed by Lucia

"AMMAN, (PIC)-- Farouq Al-Qaddoumi, the chairman of the PLO's political department, on Monday refused to attend the PLO's central council session in Ramallah with Israeli approval.

Aref Tukan, the director of Qaddoumi's office in Tunis, told PIC on Monday that Qaddoumi rejected the Israeli approval and won't go to Ramallah.

He recalled that Qaddoumi refused to go to the Palestinian lands after the signing of the Oslo agreement out of his complete rejection of that accord. He added that the Palestinian official would not serve as the "lifejacket" for anyone.

Tukan also denied press reports that claimed Qaddoumi had asked to attend the central council session, describing such reports as mere "rumors".

The Israeli government had allowed the entry of a number of exiled Palestinian figures, who are members of the central council, into the West Bank to attend the council session in a bid to boost PA chief Mahmoud Abbas's position against Hamas."

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