Sunday, July 15, 2007

Regurgitating Osama’s Greatest Hits

By Kurt Nimmo

"In the wake of the Dorgan and Conrad amendment designed “to double the reward for information leading to the capture or death of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks,” as KXMB in North Dakota puts it, a “new” Osama video has surfaced.....

All of this makes certain sense following on the heels of Michael Chertoff’s interview with the Chicago Tribune last week. In response to the patently absurd “attacks on London and Glasgow,” as CBS News characterized recent non-events, Chertoff remarked: “All of this causes me in general to look at the summer as time when we have somewhat more risk and we need to be very vigilant,” that is to say the public needs to be frightened by regurgitated Osama video tapes and warnings of “al-Qaeda” sleeper cells coming out of the woodwork......

Questions about all of this are not in order, as Michael Chertoff has a “gut feeling” about renewed terrorism. It remains to be seen if “al-Qaeda” or its purported “home-grown imitators” will strike this summer. No doubt, as usual, it will depend on political expediency, especially now that even neocon-friendly Republican Congress critters are weary of the neocon “effort” in Iraq."

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