Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Zahhar unmasks documents on Fatah leaders’ embezzlement of PA money

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Senior Hamas political leader and former PA foreign minister MP Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar has unveiled a number of secret documents seized last month from the PA security apparatuses implicating a number of former PA officials and Fatah leaders in embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars from PA money.

Salam Fayyad, the premier of Mahmoud Abbas’s unconstitutional government in Ramallah city, Salim Al-Za’anon, the prominent Fatah leader and head of the PLO’s central and national councils, and Nabil Abu Rudaina, the spokesman of Abbas, were involved in embezzling Palestinian people’s money, according to Zahhar’s revelations.

Zahhar’s serious revelations came in a political meeting in central Gaza Strip Tuesday, where he also questioned the PA 30 billion dollars that were deposited in external bank accounts in addition to 2 billion dollars credited in local bank accounts while the entire PA annual budget was 1.3 billion dollars only!!

He also affirmed that secret documents in Hamas’s hand prove that the Fatah central committee placed Za’anon under investigation for embezzling around 2 million dollars of the Palestinian people’s money.

Moreover, Zahhar unveiled documents issued by the PLC’s censorship committee in 1997 affirming that the financial corruption in the PA reached more than 326 million dollars, and that Abu Rudaina received 33,000 dollars from the late PA chief Yasser Arafat as expenses for his two daughters studying in Britain.

Zahhar’s revelations also accused leader of the routed mutiny trend MP Mohammed Dahalan of Fatah faction of personally receiving more than 100,000 dollars from Israeli oil tycoon Ovad Koco monthly in exchange for dummy oil receipts issued by the PA.

Furthermore, the Hamas’s prominent political leader affirmed that the seized documents prove that the then Fatah-controlled PA government was monopolizing business transactions and that it wasn’t offering those deals for public bidding as the law stipulates.

Fatah faction ruled the PA for almost 13 years starting 1993 until Hamas Movement won the PA legislative elections last year and displaced it, prompting many of Fatah’s influential leaders, including Dahalan and his cohorts among other officials, to join hands with enemies of the Palestinian people, Israel and the USA, in aborting that victory and in imposing harsh economic sanctions on the Palestinian people."

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