Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Abbas' Lahad Stooges Proud of Their Collaboration

PA security forces say Jenin rescue proves their mettle

"Members of the Palestinian security forces in Jenin were very excited Tuesday by the presence of many Israeli media teams in town. They were doubly excited by what was being considered the Palestinian security forces' biggest success in recent years: saving an Israeli officer from being lynched after he accidentally drove into the city.

Commanders of Jenin's main security forces - police, intelligence and national security - said their swift intervention to save the major in the Israel Defense Forces proved that the Palestinian Authority's security teams can deal with real threats and take over security in West Bank cities.

Visiting Jenin Tuesday, the Palestinian security commander in the West Bank, General Ziab al-Ali, told Haaretz that during the past year, the PA's forces have prevented dozens of attacks on Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers in the West Bank.

Al-Ali said these efforts included finding many bombs and arresting potential suicide bombers. "In Israel these things are well known," he said, meaning among Israel's security services.

He blamed Hamas and Islamic Jihad for planning these attacks, most of which he said originated in the Jenin area........

However, the commander of the Palestinian forces in the Jenin area, Colonel Imran Suleiman, told Haaretz that the troops are ready now, in spite of their limited capability to guarantee that every attack originating in Jenin would be stopped.

He said that his forces have focused on uncovering explosive devices, and that since Hamas' takeover in the Gaza Strip in June, his men have arrested 250 members of the Islamic organization or other suspected members of illegal organizations in the Jenin area alone........

Suleiman met Sunday night with the IDF commander in the Jenin area, Colonel Lior Carmeli, who thanked him for the rapid intervention of his forces and called it proof of the PA's goodwill. The Israeli officer expressed hope for continued cooperation in the future."

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