Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Another Rat Abandoning the Sinking Ship?

Abbas' advisor falls over himself in Hebron

"Ramallah – Ma'an – Media advisor to the president, Nabil Amr, was admitted to hospital after he fell over himself in Hebron on Tuesday.

The accident took place while Amr was returning home from Hebron on Tuesday evening. He was admitted to Al Ahli Hospital for preliminary treatment; he was then taken to Sheikh Zayed Hospital and is currently being treated at Ramallah Government Hospital.

Amr said that his leg, which he received a bullet wound to some years ago in an assassination attempt, was broken. He said he will travel to Germany to receive further treatment...."



This story sounds suspicious. First it was Dahlan and his "knee injury" which was why he went to Germany for treatment. Now a second big rat from the Ramallah gang is going to Germany. Does a "broken leg" require German treatment? A paramedic can fix a broken leg! And why is it that big rats always have problems with their legs? A case of being too fat and top heavy with all that corruption?

This story bears watching.

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