Thursday, August 9, 2007

Bardawil: Abbas became part of the Zio-American system

"GAZA, (PIC)-- MP Dr. Salah Al-Bardawil, the spokesman of Hamas-affiliated change and reform bloc, has belittled the importance of betting on Egypt's role in persuading PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to return to the internal dialogue and not to ignore Hamas because Abbas is no longer an independent Palestinian party but a part of the "Zio-American system."

Denying reports of media and political circles that Hamas constitutes a fundamental obstacle to any political project of a settlement, Dr. Bardawil said: "These are false claims because, basically, there is no a settlement process, for the fact that the IOA did not declare its readiness to withdraw to the borders of June 4 of 1967, did not stop the construction of the apartheid wall, did not release the Palestinian detainees, and did not allow the return of refugees, so there can be no process that can be hampered by Hamas."

Regarding the statements issued on Monday in Jericho after Abbas's meeting with Olmert, Bardawil stated that Abbas and Olmert "do not possess the ability to conclude a historic agreement that would pave the way for building a Palestinian state," pointing out that Abbas is not qualified to sign any agreement because he goes without popular cover while he is in a quarrel with three quarters of his people while Olmert is politically weak.

Regarding whether Abbas's visit to Cairo would renew hope for dialogue, he said: "Regrettably, Cairo has lost many of the political game cards in Palestine because the Zio-American plans had isolated Egypt and rejected any Arab involvement in the region whether the Arab peace initiative, or the Cairo and Makkah accords. "

In another serious development, the Hebrew newspaper Ha'aretz revealed that Abbas had asked the IOA to approve the entry of shipments of arms bought from Egypt and Jordan to the West Bank, pointing out that the IOA did not respond until now and still holds reservations about some of these requests, lest those arms fall into the hands of Hamas as had happened before in the Gaza Strip.

The new roster of Abbas's requests, according to the paper, includes armored vehicles, thousands of machine guns and rifles, and millions of rounds, armors, grenades and other military equipment."

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