Monday, August 6, 2007

Because the Pharaoh Has No Balls: Palestinians in an Egyptian Sports Stadium are Transferred Home by Way of Israel!

"Gaza – Ma'an – The process of transferring Palestinians from Arish sports stadium, in Egypt, to the central Sinai road of Al 'Oja, in order to return them to the Gaza Strip, continued on Monday.

Palestinian official, Hani Al Jabour, said that 900 Palestinians are being transferred, he said that six groups have already returned, totaling around 3,500.

The citizens of Gaza are returning as part of an Egyptian agreement with Israel.

Palestinian sources said they expect all Palestinians to be returned by next Thursday.

The citizens had been stranded on the Egyptian side of the border since the internecine fighting in Gaza led to the closure of Rafah Crossing.

Many are now returning home through Israeli-controlled crossings, but there have been several reports of Israeli officials using the situation to recruit collaborators at border control. "

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