Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bishara: Now Hezbollah is stronger than ever


"25/08/2007 Former Arab MK Azmi Bishara praised Hezbollah Friday, saying it is now stronger than ever. Bishara made the comments during a tour of south Lebanon border villages, where he visited the graves of Lebanese war victims and met with their families.
"Everybody envies the Lebanese for their resistance (Hezbollah) and its leadership, but I envy the resistance for its people," said Bishara, according to comments carried by the state-run National News Agency. Bishara also condemned Israeli attacks against innocent Lebanese civilians during the fighting last year.
"The massacres that were carried out by Israel were not a coincidence but were a strategic policy to frighten people," he said.
He praised Hezbollah for its performance during the 34-day war last summer. "I am convinced that Israel has become incapable of attacking Lebanon again, and that is a very big achievement for the resistance," he said. "Hezbollah has rearmed itself in the last year and perhaps is now stronger than ever, he added," according to the NNA. He did not elaborate. Israeli Police said Bishara would be arrested immediately if he returns to occupied Palestine on charges of espionage for Hezbollah during last summer's war.
Both he and Hezbollah have denied the accusations. He has said he is a victim of political persecution."

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