Monday, August 20, 2007

Bush is now the embarrassing uncle the Republicans just can't hide

With the departure of Karl Rove, the stench of failure hangs over the president - and his party wants to ignore the smell

Gary Younge
Monday August 20, 2007
The Guardian

".......Rove is leaving because there is nothing more for him to do; Bush is letting him go because he no longer has any use for him. His departure effectively marks the end of the Bush presidency - from hereon in Bush's tenure is about keeping the troops in Iraq and as many of his administration out of handcuffs as possible. Last week Fox News asked the neocon commentator Charles Krauthammer how much time Bush had to promote his agenda. "None," said Krauthammer. "It's over. There is no agenda."

But while the left loves to revel in Bush's woes, it invariably revels in the wrong woes. Bush's problem is not that he has failed on our terms - humanism, equality, peace and democracy - but that he has failed on his own......."

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