Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bush loses another crony

By Jim Lobe
Asia Times

"The resignation of US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a longtime acolyte of President George W Bush, is being hailed by Democrats and civil liberties advocates who have long criticized Gonzales' defense of torture tactics against terrorist suspects. His resignation follows that of "Bush's brain", chief adviser Karl Rove, two weeks ago. Who will replace Gonzales and, as critics ask, will the policies of Guantanamo, torture, wiretapping, secret CIA sites, rendition, and illegal trials continue?.......

Regarding Gonzales' departure, Michael Ratner, president of the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights, concluded, "Until we get rid of the entire cabal, which includes Bush and Cheney, that has engaged in torture, offshore prisons such as Guantanamo, violations of the Geneva Conventions and warrantless wiretapping, there is little to celebrate in Gonzales' resignation. Guantanamo continues, as does torture, wiretapping, secret CIA sites, rendition, and illegal trials."

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