Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Countdown for Attacking Syria?

Cabinet meets on prospect of conflict with Syria

"The members of the security cabinet met Wednesday morning to discuss the situation on Israel's northern front and the possibility that a conflict will break out between Israel and Syria.

The meeting was labeled "very sensitive," and the ministers were asked to leave their cellular phones outside the room where the meeting took place.

The cabinet has recently and with increasing frequency been holding meetings about the northern border and the preparation of the home front in case of a violent confrontation with Syria. Wednesday's meeting is the sixth meeting in the last six weeks on the issue.....

The ministers were also briefed by Military Intelligence and Home Front Command officials regarding Syria's alleged missile arsenal and the readiness of the home front in the case of an attack.

The ministers also discussed at length fortifying at-risk sites and the level of preparedness for steps in retaliation to a "Syrian scenario."

In the last government meeting, the head of the research division of Military Intelligence, Brigadier General Yossi Baidatz, said that Syrian President Bashar Assad is preparing for a war with Israel.

He said that Assad has ordered increased production of long-range missiles and instructed the Syrian army to position its anti-tank missiles closer to the Syrian border with Israel, on the Golan Heights......"


Plain English Translation:

Israel is finalizing plans for attacking Syria, including "strengthening the home front." As in every war, Israel will make it appear that it is only responding to Syrian "provocation" or "impending attack." A fabricated, Gulf-of-Tonkin-style, attack on an Israeli target by Syria, is a distinct possibility.

Mark my words: An attack on Syria and/or Iran is coming by this fall.

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