Friday, August 10, 2007

Hamas activist declared dead after being tortured at PA jails

"NABLUS, TUBAS, (PIC)-- Mo'ayyad Bani Oadah, a 22-year-old Hamas activist was declared clinically dead at an Israeli hospital according to PA security sources.

Bani Oadah was moved to an Israeli hospital from the PA Junaid jail in Nablus where he was subjected to torture at the said prison according to Palestinian sources.

The family of Bani Oadah held the Abbas's security forces responsible for the death of their son who was arrested by those forces on the 2nd July from his house in Tamoun village.

The victim's family say that their son used to work in tiling and that he was in very good health before his arrest.

The family said in a statement that they were told by the PA security that their son will be brought before a court in Nablus and that a defence lawyer was appointed to represent him. At the court Bani Oadah denied all charges and said that confessions were taken under torture.

The family also stated that on Wednesday evening they have received conflicting news about their son, one of them says that he was taken to a hospital in Nablus in a critical condition and another says that he was taken to an Israeli hospital. When the family tried to get an answer from the PA security again they got conflicting answers, they were told he was not in Nablus but he was still detained in Tubas, another told them that he was well at a police station in Nablus, a third told them that he was taken to an Israeli hospital because he was depressed, a fourth said that he was taken to an Israeli hospital for tests and a fifth said that he suffered kidney failure and was taken to Hadassa hospital in Jerusalem. After that the PA security in Nablus denied the presence of a detainee carrying such a name in Nablus.

His family further said that they visited their son at Junaid prison in Nablus a couple of days earlier and that he was well and had no health problems.

Hamas for its part said that this case proves that detainees at PA prisons are being severely tortured and called on all Palestinian factions and human rights organisations to condemn such practices and to pressure President Abbas to order the release of political prisoners in PA jails."

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