Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hamas calls for boycott of Palestinian courts responsible for sentencing Hamas and Islamic Jihad members

"Gaza – Ma'an – Hamas on Tuesday urged for a boycott of the Palestinian courts that are responsible for trying arrested Hamas and Islamic Jihad members.

Hamas called on all Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the judges, but also the prisoners of both movements who are to be tried by these courts, to support Hamas in their efforts.

The call was made by Hamas after 18 of its members were tried and sentenced to prison for periods that range from 3 to 15 years, in addition to the payment of huge fines.

In a statement released by Hamas, the movement said that "the trials will not frighten the movement." Hamas likened the courts to "the inquisition in the Middle Ages", saying that these courts "aim to end the government."

Hamas also warned of the dangers that these courts pose "they are dangerous and almost like the Israeli [military] courts in threatening the social textile of the Palestinian society; […] they aim to end the resistance and will be affecting the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip."

The statement concluded by saying that the courts, which are based in Ramallah, will "bring the arena into a very dangerous reality. Not Abbas, nor anybody else, will be able to take away the legitimacy of the Hamas movement because it has legitimacy from its leaders, martyrs, the resistance and the voters." "

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