Friday, August 17, 2007


By Georgie Anne Geyer

"WASHINGTON -- Lest you cling to the impression that the Bush administration is looking for ways out of Iraq, instead of digging ourselves deeper in, take a look at recent headlines......

This is the first time that the United States has added the armed forces of any sovereign government to its list of terrorist organizations. Think about that! Before, the word "terrorist" always meant "non-state actor." This change could mean -- WILL mean, if this gang stays in the White House -- that we could soon be calling any army on the face of the Earth that irks us by the name of terrorist. That would, of course, even further threaten the Geneva Accords and other civilized institutions as well.....

William Lind, the well-known military historian, commented to me: "This all continues to point more and more to the fact that Iran is still on the menu. It all continues to point to how can we pump up the conflict. This act moves any political relationships with Iran backward."

And that's where we're going -- at top speed."

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