Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Israeli forces storm Qalqilia

"Qalqilia - Ma'an - Twenty Palestinians were injured when Israeli forces stormed the city of Qalqilia in the northern West Bank on Wednesday morning.

Medical sources have confirmed that 18-year-old Ibrahim Hassan Mohammad was shot in the head and is in a critical condition.

He is being transferred from the UNRWA Hospital in the city to Rafidia hospital in Nablus.

After storming into the city Israeli forces imposed a curfew on many neighbourhoods in the west and south of the city.

Ma'an's correspondent reported that the Israeli forces were re- enforced with military vehicles and bulldozers. Journalists were banned from approaching the area. He added frequent gunfire could be heard in the area and that the Israeli forces are besieging many houses.

Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli forces have detained many people and they are now interrogating them in a building in the city. The Israeli military forced them to leave their homes and seized their mobile telephones.

Other witnesses said that the Israeli forces had begun to demolish some houses in the area, including that of the Palestinian National Council member, Taysir Qubba'ah."

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