Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lebanon is Now a Part of the U.S. Commonwealth

US Targets Threat to Lebanon's Stability

"President Bush announced Thursday the United States will freeze the property and interests of people deemed to be undermining Lebanon's democratic government. Bush's executive order targets anyone found to be helping Syria assert control in Lebanon or otherwise trying to break down the rule of law, including by means of violence.

"Such actions constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States," Bush said in an accompanying message to Congress.

Bush's order also applies to spouses and dependent children of those deemed to be contributing to instability in Lebanon, and to those providing aid to such people.......

Bush in June barred U.S. entry to people deemed to be undermining Lebanon.

"All of these orders and presidential determinations related to Lebanon are saying, from the United States, that Syria needs to quit meddling in Lebanon's affairs," said Gordon Johndroe, Bush's national security spokesman....."


Bring it on, DECIDER....

A couple of weeks ago, the Decider issued the same directive concerning Iraq. Let me see..., who will be next? I have a sneaky suspicion that the Decider will issue a similar directive against those suspected of "undermining" the American stooge in the Green Zone in Ramallah, but I could be wrong.

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