Sunday, August 19, 2007

Life in the Gaza Jail at the Mercy of Israel, its Stooge Abbas and the EU

EU delaying transfer of fuel to Gaza power plant

"The Gaza Generating Company has not received any fuel for its power plant because the European Union has yet to decide whether to continue paying for it.

As a result, the power plant said it had shut down all four of its generators, which provide electricity to roughly one-fourth of Gaza's 1.5 million residents.

Palestinian officials said a European Union aid program, which funds fuel for the plant, has not sent its monitors to the crossing to facilitate the shipment as required.

The fuel for the power plant is financed by the EU, and Dor Alon Energy, the Israeli company that supplies the fuel, is in constant contact with EU officials in order to receive payment in advance. Several days ago, the EU informed the company that it would not pay for the fuel until further notice.

Following Israel's decision to reopen the crossing, Dor Alon asked the EU if the decision not to pay for the fuel was still in effect, and was answered in the affirmative.

An EU diplomat said an assessment of the funding program was being made and a decision was likely on Monday.

It is unclear to what extent the EU decision is being coordinated with the Palestinian government in Ramallah, headed by Prime Minister Salam Fayad.

Colonel Nir Peres, head Israel Defense Forces' Coordination and Liaison Administration, said he believes "this is an internal Palestinian matter," while some Israeli officials went as far as to say Fayad was trying "to flex his muscles in order to show Hamas that he is the one who controls the tap and is running the show."........"

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