Sunday, August 12, 2007

More Palestinian Political Bankruptcy

PA heads to found 'Palestinian Kadima'

"Disillusioned with Fatah and Hamas, a group of Palestinian businessmen and academics has decided to establish a new political party to run in the next Palestinian Authority election.

Some 120 leading businessmen and academics gathered in Ramallah over the weekend to discuss the formation of the new movement, in the first meeting of its kind in recent years.

PA officials welcomed the initiative, saying Chairman Mahmoud Abbas had given his blessing to the organizers.

The group is led by the widely-respected billionaire Munib al-Masri of Nablus, who does not belong to any political faction. Other prominent businessmen who have joined the initiative include Mazen Sinokrot, Bassem Khoury, Muhammad Hirbawi, Maha Abu Shusheh and Said Kan'an.

"We want to offer the Palestinians something different and a new way," said a meeting attendee. "We are actually trying to set up a Palestinian version of the Israeli Kadima Party, which attracted voters from both Likud and Labor. We are aware of the fact that many Palestinians are disenchanted with Fatah and Hamas and would like to see a new party that can offer them a better future."......"


I am waiting for the announcement of the "Palestinians for Zion" political party, which is being formed in Ramallah, as we speak.

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