Saturday, August 4, 2007

Nasrallah: Lebanon gov't part of US national security

Al-Manar special - Mohamad Shmaysani /

"Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah delivered his fourth televised speech in two weeks Friday evening through a large screen in the town of Baalbek in the Lebanon Valley. He first addressed the residents of this decades long deprived region that is also very well known as the reservoir of the resistance......

"We are looking for real coexistence at a time the US is bringing arms into this region to start up wars. We are looking for unity, cooperation and solidarity because Lebanon cannot be divided. This country cannot rise unless there is cooperation and unity. Let us implement the Taef Accord. Unfortunately, some people don't see anything in this accord except the truce of 1949 with Israel and disarming the resistance."......

"We told you that these are arms of a resistance organization, not a militia. We also told you that we agree to discuss the issue of the arms in the framework of a defensive strategy. We do not want to keep our weapons forever. We would be very thankful when a strong state exists with a strong army to protect all of Lebanon. I have presented them with a defensive strategy at the table of national dialogue. I tell you now and I swear that the response to this strategy was the July war of 2006.".....

".....Here, I address the Christians…The Free Patriotic Movement made an understanding with Hezbollah, but with whom did the other bloc make alliances with? I need to ask the Christians: Did Hezbollah destroy your houses, committed massacres against you and ruined your Churches? Is Hezbollah stopping you from returning to your villages in Mount Lebanon? Did Hezbollah commit this was it those you've made alliances with? Didn't you see how Hezbollah acted when the Israelis withdrew in the year 2000? Did we burn any house, harm anyone, destroy Churches, change the demographic landscape in the south? Didn't we preserve the people and their dignity, knowing that many of them have killed many of our fighters, bombed our cities and villages and committed massacres, tortured our people in the Khiam detention center? How did we respond, did we hold the Christians responsible for this? Of course not. Yes, there are some who feel ashamed of making an alliance with the resistance that has been fighting Israel and had liberated Lebanon, but they don't feel ashamed of making alliances with those who spent their lives in Israeli training camps and trenches,"

Hezbollah's Secretary General also said the United States was trying to intimidate the Lebanese people by taking punitive financial action against opponents of the Western-backed government of Fouad Saniora. His eminence said US President George W. Bush was doing all he could to protect the governing coalition. "Bush said that Saniora's government has become a part of US national security, Sayyed Nasrallah reminded. "Bush comes out and says: 'You Lebanese, whoever shakes the Saniora government, I will act against legally, financially and economically." "Bush considers the Saniora government part of American national security and part of American policy. We are demanding a government which represents Lebanese national security and not American national security," Sayyed Nasralla said.

His eminence criticized the United States plan to increase military assistance to Middle Eastern countries including Israel at a time it bans the Lebanese army from arming, accusing Washington of seeking to drown the Middle East in wars. "The United States is bringing billions of dollars worth of arms to ignite wars in this region. The American administration is working on instigating sectarian strife and civil wars in Palestine, Iraq, the Gulf and ... between the countries of this region.""

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