Sunday, August 26, 2007

Not Amused...

By Layla Anwar

".......But mind you,they are not the only ones. Take for instance Maliki, look at what the sectarian, Iranian, idiot had to say today.

He said: " There are Americans (referring to Levin and Clinton) who consider Iraq as one of their villages. " (article here)
The gutless, coward adds : "This is severe interference in our affairs."

Ya Puppet, ya Gawad, of course they will consider Iraq as one of their villages.
It is thanks to them that you came to power. You and Iraq are under occupation ya traitor. This is what occupation is all about. This is what 4 million Iraqis in exile and 1 million Iraqis dead are all about. Of course, they will interfere in your affairs.

Maliki is "annoyed" that the American Army is killing civilians. La Balah?
This is what occupation armies do ya Gawad. They kill civilians.
And what about your own militias and that of the big fat bastard al Sadr ? Are you not killing civilians as well ?

Kharraya a3lekom Kolkom.

Translation : Shit on all of you.

You make me sick!!!"

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