Thursday, August 2, 2007

Palestinian Ambassador to United Nations, Riad Mansour, must be "court-martialled or removed from office", says Hamas

"Gaza – Ma'an – The Hamas movement on Thursday claimed they hold Palestinian President Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad responsible for the siege on the Palestinian people, and for ignoring both the United Nations' Security Council decision, which aims to end this siege and the suffering in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement to Ma'an, the Hamas movement also stressed that they want to see the Palestinian ambassador to the United States, Riad Mansour, either removed from office or court-martialed, because of what Hamas refers to as "irresponsible behaviour in the Security Council".

Hamas expressed their regrets for what happened between representatives of Qatar and Indonesia and those of the Palestinian Authority in the Security Council, saying that Mansour's actions "do not represent the Palestinian people".

On Wednesday, a row broke out in the Security Council between the Qatari and Palestinian delegations on account of a proposal about the humanitarian question in the Gaza Strip. According to Riad Mansour, Qatar and Indonesia made the proposal without consulting him beforehand.

Hamas appealed to Arab governments to continue their efforts to put an end to the Palestinian suffering in Gaza; at the same time Hamas are appreciative of Qatar's and Indonesia's role in supporting the Palestinians.

Israeli newspapers reported that the Palestinian ambassador is the one to be held responsible for the failing of the draft that both Qatar and Indonesia proposed to the Security Council."

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