Thursday, August 2, 2007

Qatar surprised over Abbas's UN delegate's position, Hamas calls for trying him

"DOHA, (PIC)-- The chief Qatari delegation to the UN Security Council has expressed absolute surprise over the position of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas's delegate to the UN who rejected a draft resolution calling for lifting the siege on Gaza.

The Qatari representative told Ashark Al-Awsat newspaper that he did not expect the Palestinian chief delegate Riad Mansour to object to that resolution in view of the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the Strip.

For its part, Hamas, in a press release on Thursday, called for Mansour to be tried for foiling the international statement that was tabled by Qatar and Indonesia.

The Movement held Abbas and his illegitimate government responsible for the continued siege imposed on the Palestinian citizens in the Strip.

Hamas extended an apology to both Qatar and Indonesia over such an "irresponsible behavior" on the part of Mansour. It said that he only represented Abbas and his entourage and did not represent the Palestinian people.

For his part, a spokesman for Hamas in the West Bank denounced the "shameful stand" of the Palestinian diplomatic mission at the UN.

The Movement's spokesman in Gaza said that the move proved Abbas's responsibility for the continued closure of the Rafah crossing and the continued suffering of around 6,000 Palestinians stranded at the Egyptian side of the borders."

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