Monday, August 6, 2007

Salam Pierre Laval Fayyad: We Need the IOF to Stay, We Are Not Ready!

Palestinians: We can't take responsibilty for security in West Bank

"The Palestinian Authority's security organizations are unable to assume security control of cities in the West Bank, Prime Minister Salam Fayad told senior Israeli officials during recent meetings. Fayad told Israeli officials that the PA's security forces are unable "to impose law and order in the West Bank at this time."......

During meetings with senior Israeli officials, the interim Palestinian prime minister and his interior minister, Abd al-Razek al-Yihiya, made it clear that the PA's security cannot at this time assume control of West Bank cities. Among those to whom this message was conveyed recently was Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin.....

However, Palestinian security commanders admitted before the PA leadership that their forces are not currently capable of preventing terrorist attacks against Israel, or, as Israel defines it, of "combatting terrorism."......"


These USraeli puppets are all alike; this is the same as Maliki saying that U.S. forces are "needed in Iraq, and can't withdraw now!"

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