Friday, August 3, 2007


Unidentified gunmen lead failed assault on Palestinian writer and political analyst, Dr Shawar

I wonder how far and wide is the reach of the Abbas death squads? I am sure that this will not be the last time that these Fascists try to quash dissent. These tactics prove that they can only "rule" through terror and intimidation. It also shows that they are desperate since most Palestinians now know them as outright agents of the occupation -- Tony Sayegh

Read This Important Story

"Qalqilia – Ma'an – Unidentified gunmen opened fire on Friday morning at the home of writer and political analyst Dr. 'Isam Shawar. Although he was at home, he was not injured during the attack.

Shawar declared that "around 2:00am, shots were fired at my home. Some shots penetrated the house, causing no injuries."

According to the writer, the motives behind the attack could be his latest article, which bore the title: "We die at the checkpoints, and still contend stubbornly."

In the article, Shawar criticises the standpoint of the Palestinian representative to the United Nations and the Palestinian authorities towards the Qatari-Indonesian initiative which aims at lifting the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip, and to open the closed Rafah Crossing to ease the situation of Palestinians stranded on the Egyptian side of the border

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