Sunday, August 26, 2007

This is Zionism: Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jail was beaten to death, Asrana confirms

"Jerusalem – Ma'an – Asrana (our prisoners) media office in Jerusalem on Sunday blamed the Israeli authorities in Ramla prison for the death of Palestinian detainee ‘Umar Masalmah, aged 24.

Masalmah, from Hebron, was allegedly in good health just two days before he died, on Saturday.

Director of the Asrana media office, Munqith Abu Roumi, said the organisation can confirm that Masalmah died after being severely beaten by Israeli soldiers.

"We have established, through the other prisoners, that the man was attacked and beaten by the Israeli soldiers," said Abu Roumi.

Masalmah was arrested by Israeli forces for entering Israel without a permit and was transported to Ramla prison.

"At Ramla jail he was attacked and severely beaten by the soldiers," said Aby Roumi.

Abu Roumi appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross and other human rights organisations to prosecute those responsible for Masalmah's death, close Ramla jail and offer treatment to Palestinian prisoners. "

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