Sunday, August 12, 2007

UN Site Hacked


Hacked By kerem125 M0sted and Gsy That is CyberProtest Hey Ýsrail and Usa dont kill children and other people Peace for ever No war..."

"THE official website of the United Nations appears to have been hacked, and is displaying a message protesting US and Israeli policies in the Middle East.

The section of the site reserved to statements by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon showed a message, repeated several times, that read: "Hacked By kerem125 M0sted and Gsy That is CyberProtest Hey Ysrail and Usa dont kill children and other people Peace for ever No war.''

The message also appeared on other web pages that usually display quotes and speeches from the secretary-general.....

Previous attacks attributed to the hackers found on other websites suggested that at least one of them was Turkish. "

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