Thursday, August 2, 2007

US military has a lose-lose dilemma in Iraq

From the way violence simply floods into areas just beyond the reach of new US combat brigades to the perilously long supply lines on bomb-planted roads, a military "solution" to the Iraqi situation is worse than impossible: it guarantees the country's instability will be prolonged, with no end in sight.

By Michael Schwartz
Asia Times

"President George W Bush has called on Congress, the American public, the Iraqi people and the world to suspend judgment - until at least September - on the success of his escalation of the war in Iraq, euphemistically designated a "surge". But the fact is: it has already failed and it's obvious enough why.....

....For Bush, who has visibly put all his eggs in Petraeus' "surge" basket, this would be inconceivable, which means that the next crisis in Iraq policy - and probably several after that - is already under way.

As Mahmoud Othman, a veteran Iraqi politician, put it, "The Americans are defeated. They haven't achieved any of their aims.""


I disagree with Mr. Mahmoud Othman's statement; USrael has already succeeded in achieving a major objective: the destruction of Iraq as a state and as a society. The Arabs better learn the lesson (not falling for foreign-engineered sectarian divisions) or it will be repeated in many other countries. The indications are not encouraging as the Arab regimes are being inducted in a much larger, and region-wide, sectarian war, this time against Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.

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