Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bardawil warns: Blair's current tour prepares for war

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Dr. Salah Al-Bardawil, the spokesman of the Hamas-affiliated change and reform parliamentary bloc, has charged that the international quartet committee's envoy Tony Blair's current tour of the region aims at achieving serious goals.

Bardawil, in a press statement, charged that the tour was part of a scheme preparing the atmosphere for a war in the region and for Arab normalization with Israel in return for nothing.

However, he belittled the importance of Blair's tour, affirming that he would fail in achieving any breakthrough in the Middle East settlement process.

"We do not hinge any hope on the visit because there is no real intention for peace or any real peace process in the region," he underscored, adding that preparations are underway for waging a war on Syria or Iran.

The former British premier, who failed in running his country's internal and external policies would not succeed in conspiring against the Arab and Palestinian questions, Bardawil affirmed.

He added that another important goal of Blair's tour is to convince Egypt and Saudi Arabia among other Arab countries to attend the autumn conference in the USA along with Israel to impose normalization with occupation.

Within his current tour of the region, Blair met in Alexandria on Tuesday with Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak to discuss means of pushing forward the Middle East peace process, an official statement said."

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