Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bipartisan consensus pushes for Iran attack

by Larry Chin

Global Research, September 12, 2007

"The 2008 US presidential dance has already been decided: the winner will be a corrupt elite warmonger who will intensify and expand Bush-Cheney’s criminal "war on terrorism" into Iran and beyond, and with the full support of an acquiescent US populace. The latest rhetoric from Bush, and the candidates, spells this out in black and white.

"First Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Iran".......

What is clear is that the next US president will not only continue but also expand the "war on terrorism" and the "war against radical extremists" into Iran, and beyond. If Bush-Cheney engineer a "next 9/11," crushing political and popular resistance, the war will come even sooner. Both Republican and Democratic Party factions are hell-bent on pushing the same post-Peak Oil geostrategic control agenda, the same false flag terror, and the same propaganda.

With an empire and its survival at stake, the most "unthinkable," apocalyptic and criminal options are "on the table." And the table is getting smaller."

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