Sunday, September 23, 2007

First group of Palestinians arrive in Brazil from desert camp. Obrigado, Brasil; you proved to be more humane than the Arab countries combined.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

"SAO PAULO, 23 September 2007 (IRIN) - The first batch of Palestinians previously living in a squalid refugee camp on the Iraqi-Jordanian border arrived in Brazil on 21 and 22 September and has been receiving medical assistance, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Justice.

The 35 Palestinians are part of a group of 117 Palestinian refugees who had been living in Ruwaished refugee camp in the desert on the Iraqi-Jordanian border since the fall of late former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Brazilians have welcomed with open arms our new arrivals. The population is glad with the government initiative, which hopes to offer a better life to those who have suffered violence in Iraq,” Luiz Paulo Barreto, secretary general at the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, told IRIN.

Palestinians are going to enjoy the same citizenship rights as Brazilians do,” he added. “Next week they will receive ID documents and passports. They will receive monthly financial assistance for two years until they are able to support themselves. They are already being given free health services and they and their children will attend Portuguese classes,” he said.

Cardiologists, paediatricians and gynaecologists have been examining the new arrivals......."

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