Monday, September 10, 2007

Habila Keeps Begging to Talk to the Traitor

Officials: Haniyeh proposes he meet with Abbas in Mecca

"The head of the Hamas government in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, proposed Monday that he meet with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Saudi Arabia, Haniyeh's office said Monday.

Since Hamas' forcible takeover of Gaza in June, Abbas has rebuffed repeated offers by the Islamic militants to resume contacts, saying Hamas must first apologize and withdraw its forces from Palestinian security posts in Gaza.

Abbas is under strong international pressure, particularly from the U.S., not to renew talks with Hamas, which has refused to recognize Israel or accept previous peace accords.

Haniyeh, who was deposed as prime minister by Abbas in June, proposed the meeting in a phone call with Saudi Crown Prince Sultan Ibn Abdel Aziz, Haniyeh's office said.

Abbas is scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia on Tuesday. Haniyeh's office said in the statement that Hamas is ready to return to dialogue without conditions and described factional fighting that preceded the Hamas takeover as a "disagreement among brothers"......."


I am afraid that the Palestinians will keep on muddling with mediocre politics, mediocre "leaders" and mediocre resistance until there is no Palestine left to fight for. Sadly, this has been the pattern for the past 60 years and it seems that nothing has been learned.

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