Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hamas: Abbas's militias complement IOF mission against Palestinian resistance

"NABLUS, (PIC)-- Hamas Movement has unequivocally accused PA security apparatuses under PA chief Mahmoud Abbas of supplementing the IOF troops' job against the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance in the West Bank.

Responsible source in Hamas Movement affirmed Sunday that the PA security forces in the West Bank carried out a number of arrests in lines of Hamas cadres in the aftermath of the heroic resistance the Hamas fighters demonstrated against the IOF troops in the Ein Biet Al-Maa refugee camp in Nablus city.

According to local witnesses, the PA security elements and armed Fatah militias who are usually seen in Palestinian streets vandalizing and arresting Palestinian citizens refrained from defending the camp and opted to remain arms folded towards the IOF onslaught.

Two Hamas political leaders in the West Bank Fayyadh Al-Aghbar and Hussam Kataloni were rounded up at the hands of Abbas's armed militias in an aggressive manner after condolence visits they paid to houses of Palestinian resistance fighters martyred in the battle.......

Unwelcome Israeli-PA security coordination in the West Bank:

For their part, Palestinian citizens in the West Bank condemned the security coordination between PA security departments and their Israeli counterparts, describing such coordination as harmful to the Palestinian people, and achieving only Israel's security interests.

Earlier, the Israeli military institution decided to allow PA security elements deploy in the streets of Nablus city carrying their light weapons and during day time only, but it banned them from doing so during the night.

The Hebrew Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper described the Israeli step as a gesture of "goodwill" on the part of the Israeli occupation government towards Abbas and towards the "unconstitutional" PA government of Salam Fayyadh.

According to the Hebrew paper, the Israeli decision was taken after a meeting between Israeli war minister Ehud Barak and Fayyadh last week, during which, Fayyadh requested the deployment of 500 PA policemen to "impose law and order" in the Nablus city, in allusion to fighting and arresting Palestinian resistance fighters.

According to Israeli and PA sources, the deployment of the PA policemen in Nablus will be a pilot experiment before similar steps could be replicated in different parts of the West Bank.......

More PA arrests in the West Bank recorded:

But PA security forces arrest campaign of Hamas supporters persisted in Ramallah city as at least 16 Hamas members were rounded up at the hands of those security elements in the Palestinian village of Rantis, west of the city, after summoning them to meet the PA intelligence officer in the village.

Moreover, Hamas prominent political leader in the West Bank Maher Al-Kharraz, 55, was also apprehended at the hands of the PA intelligence members after he visited house of a Hamas activist in the city, which the IOF troops reduced to rubbles two days ago.

No charges were filed against Kharraz whom the IOF troops attempted to arrest twice before but failed."

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