Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hamas calls on Palestinian resistance to declare state of full alert in its rank

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas called on Wednesday on its armed wing and the Palestinian resistance forces to declare a state of full alert in their ranks in anticipation of any aggression on the Gaza Strip and to be fully prepared to defend the Palestinian people against the IOF troops.

Hamas's warning came after receiving confirmed information from the Palestinian lands occupied 1948 that the Israeli military war machine is preparing for a large-scale aggression against the Gaza Strip from three axes including the borderline with Egypt (Salahuddin axis), according to a statement received by the PIC.

In the same context, a Hebrew newspaper, Ha'aretz quoted an Israeli military source as saying that the IOF troops carried out a small-scale incursion into central Gaza on Wednesday night a day after a rocket attack on Israeli military base inflicted tens of injuries in the ranks of Israeli officers and soldiers.

In a meeting of the Israeli mini-cabinet chaired by Israeli premier Ehud Olmert and his war minister Ehud Barak on Tuesday, they decided to use fighter bombers to target political leaders and many areas in Gaza at the pretext of striking the infrastructure of the Palestinian resistance.

In the statement, Hamas warned that any Israeli aggression will not be a picnic for the IOF soldiers, confirming that the invasion troops will be doomed to failure and defeat......."

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