Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hamdan holds Arab world responsible for Gaza suffering. I say to Hamdan: The Pharaoh has no balls; what do you expect??

"BEIRUT, (PIC)-- Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, held the Arab world fully responsible for the suffering of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, calling on Arab states, especially Egypt and Jordan, to open up to the Strip and assist it to come through adversities, instead of closing the doors at the Palestinians.

In a televised statement, Hamdan revealed that Ismail Haneyya, the premier of the caretaker government in Gaza, had many contacts with Arab and Islamic countries to explain the current Palestinian situation, pointing out that the Arab countries are unanimous in the need for immediate dialogue between Hamas and Fatah.

Regarding the Israeli decision which classified the Gaza Strip as a hostile entity, the Hamas representative stated that it is a multi-dimensional decision, but it generally represents an explicit declaration of war which has already been waged on the Palestinian people, adding that the decision is an attempt to justify massacres to be committed by the IOF troops against the Palestinian citizens in Gaza.

Hamdan highlighted that PA chief Mahmoud Abbas provided the IOA with justifications to take such a decision when he condemned the legitimate resistance and alleged that Hamas harbored members from Al-Qaeda.

Regarding the autumn conference called for by American president George W. Bush, he stated: "Everyone is aware that this conference is devoid of any real content; besides, the Arabs are worried about attending it, and some of them publicly declared reservations on the issue of attendance, so predictably it would be a failure, especially if we take into account the fact that the Israeli side will provide nothing for the Palestinians."

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