Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hizbullah delivers

In contrast to Lebanon's floundering government, Hizbullah maintains its support in the areas it controls with impressive, if ruthless efficiency

By Ramsay Short
The Guardian

".......I was in Beirut's southern suburb, Dahieh, meeting a woman who had lost her home to an Israeli missile during the war in Lebanon last summer.

For her, the presidential elections would come and go with few if any effects on her daily life. What was important to her was when and how she would be able to move back in to her house.

Abir is a mother of four, and an enthusiastic supporter of Hizbullah - like almost everyone from Dahieh. Sipping coffee in her mother's house in the neighbourhood of Mouawad, she is extremely positive:

"If I supported Hizbullah before 20,000 times, now I support them 100,000 times. These are my people, they are me, they are my family."......"

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