Monday, September 17, 2007

Iran offers to share with Saudis nuclear technology

"Iran stands by the Saudi nation and is prepared to share experience with the country in nuclear technology under the IAEA supervision, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Saudi King Abdullah over phone on Saturday.
Referring to enemies' efforts to block the Iranian nation's nuclear progress, Ahmadinejad said enemies of Iran have failed. Ahmadinejad congratulated the Saudi nation and government on advent of the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
"The enemies intend to divide Muslim nations, especially the Iranian and Saudi nations," Ahmadinejad said.
He said that while Muslim states try to strengthen their unity, the enemies try to divide them by spreading rumors. The Saudi king, for his part, congratulated the Iranian nation and government on advent of the holy month of Ramadan and said efforts should be made to foil the enemies' plots.
Terming Ahmadinejad as a "big lover of the world of Islam and Muslims," the king regretted mistreatment of the Iranian Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia. "

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