Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Israel targeted Iranian weapons in Syria - report

"CNN news network reported Tuesday evening that the incident in which Israeli planes reportedly invaded Syrian airspace was actually an attack on Iranian weapons transferred to Syria.

According to the report, the incident involved an aerial operation that also included ground forces that were meant to mark targets or inspect the damage caused by the attack.

It was also reported that the operation left "a great hole in the ground" in the Syrian desert. The report was based mainly on sources in the American government and CNN said that Israel was satisfied with the operation's results.

The report said Israel apparently targeted a type of weapon transferred through Syria to Hizbullah from Iran.

Sources told CNN reporter Christiana Amanpour that weapons have been transferred in this way for the past three or four years uninterruptedly......"


Have the first shots in the attacks on Hizbullah, Syria and Iran been fired? Sure sounds like it.

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