Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Osama’s “Trotskyite” Experiment

By Kurt Nimmo

".......In Bushzarro world, as time passes and each of us grow older, Osama gets younger and miraculously overcomes debilitating disease. Suddenly he is preaching about the evils of climate change and imperialism, same as any self-respecting and card-carrying Green party member. Osama reads Chomsky and Blum from his Afghan cave, books no doubt ordered from Amazon, as we know all cave-dwelling terrorists have Wi-Fi connections on their laptops and UPS delivers anywhere, even Jalalabad.

Meanwhile, neocon wunderkind, Walid Phares, begs to differ, if only a little. “The Trotskyite ‘experiment’ of Bin Laden of his ‘anarcho-Jihadist’ advisors may not have been the greatest idea: Because as one can see from the reactions, many of the purest Jihadists can’t absorb the Marxian theories of Global Corporations. They only seek the good old Jihad against the Kuffar. They have gotten too much Wahhabism in their madrassa ’schooling.’ Their doctrinaires are Hassan al Banna and Sayid Qutb, not Noam Chomsky… or some Harvard elitist,” the darling of Benador Associates writes. In short, let’s get back to hating Muslims for their religion, the hallmark of any neocon worth his salt, and knock off all the western ideological mumbo jumbo......."

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