Sunday, September 16, 2007

Q&A: 'War on Terror Served Iran's Interests Best'

Interview with Tariq Ali

IPS- Inter Press Service via

"......When IPS correspondent Aoun Abbas Sahi interviewed Ali, who was in Pakistan recently, the writer, known for his incisive political commentaries, explained why he believed U.S. policy in Iraq and Afghanistan was doomed to fail from the start -- because of the Iran factor.

IPS: Who, according to you, is the main beneficiary of the United States-led 'war on terror’?

Tariq Ali (TA): Undoubtedly Iran. But then the Americans could not have occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and without Iran’s support. This is what no one likes talking about. Had the Iranians said, if you take Iraq we will fight you, the occupation probably would not have taken place. But the Iranians, who regarded the Taliban and Saddam Hussain as enemies, kept silent. The Americans thought, because the Iranians supported them before they went in, things would be fine. But the Iranians were opportunists. They had their own agenda and defended their own state interests -- just like the U.S. defends its state interests. These state interests are now clashing and so the U.S. is threatening Iran......."

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