Saturday, September 15, 2007

Qassem: Whoever buys Israeli goods contributes in killing Palestinians

"NABLUS, (PIC)-- Abdul Sattar Qassem, professor of political science at the Najah national university in Nablus, has called for boycotting Israeli commodities, considering the continued purchase of those goods as a kind of support for the IOF troops in order to kill Palestinian.

In an article written by Abdul Sattar, he said that whoever buys Israeli goods supports the Israeli economy and gives the IOF troops donations in order to continue with their aggression against the Palestinian people and the Arab and Islamic peoples.

The professor elaborated: "If one kg of Israeli dates is worth about 35 shekels, and the expenses of making one bullet of M16 rifle is worth 8 agora (an Israeli currency unit), that means that the Palestinian consumer contributes to the manufacture of about 44 bullets, which is enough to kill 44 Palestinians."

"Why doesn't the PA ban the importation of Israeli goods which could be replaced with Palestinian ones or which are dispensable?" He questioned, urging the Palestinian people to take the initiative themselves and start to boycott the Israeli goods."

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