Saturday, September 1, 2007

Report: “Full Spectrum” Mass Murder Likely Against Iran

By Kurt Nimmo

"Increasingly, people in the know are revealing what some of us have realized for months, even years: the United States, under the pernicious control of Muslim-hating neocons, will attack Iran, and sooner before later.....

.....In fact, for those of us who have followed the neocons, an attack against Iran is not “likely,” but indeed imminent. It is part and parcel of the neocon master plan to decimate the Muslim world and may be considered the crown jewel, as the neocons believe Iran is far too cheeky. As well, the kissing cousins of the neocons, the neolibs, want to bring the Muslim world down a few pegs, as the tenets of Islam preach against ruinous usury of the sort neolibs love to impose on the world at large. Neocons, on the other hand, simply hate Muslims, as all reactionary and racist Zionists viscerally hate Muslims......

But then the “insurgency” in Iraq is not really a problem for the neocons, as the point is to continue the process of eroding any prospect of civility and peace, even a modicum of humanity. In fact, the U.S. will stay in Iraq until the process is complete and the country is split into three disparate pieces based along ethnic, religious, and tribal lines, and thus more easily managed as weak and malleable vassal states. Iran faces a likewise future, including a ferocious “insurgency,” actually a general form of resistance against occupation, an entirely normal reaction. Again, this hardly matters, as the point is order out of chaos—that is, chaos for the average Iranian, order for the neocons and neolibs. For our reigning war criminals, on par with the Nazis, order is achieved through mass murder, disease by way of depleted uranium and a greatly degraded civilian infrastructure, infant mortality, and the mass exodus of people of somewhat higher means, as most Iraqis able to flee their homeland have done so......

Surely, the “debate” is “bleeding over” (excuse the impending pun) into the presidential selection process, or more accurately the field of potential selectees, for as we know, almost to a man and one woman, the gaggle of pre-approved selectees are on record as stating no options are off the table, in other words they have expressed a willingness to attack Iran with the devastating and criminal results that entails. “U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal: We cannot, we should not, we must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons,” Clinton told AIPAC earlier this year. “In dealing with this threat … no option can be taken off the table,” that is to say slaughtering toddlers and grandmothers is on the table......

As the Plesch and Butcher report indicates, the “right opportunity” is almost upon us and the neocons are ready—more than ready, in fact chomping at the bit. However, I don’t believe the neocons will bother with formalistic excuses, speeches before the United Nations, or dog and pony shows like the ludicrous charade of chemistry test tubes and helium balloons Colin Powell orchestrated at the behest of the neocons—or as Powell fondly called them, the “fucking crazies”—prior to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Bush, as the commander and decider guy, will simply launch a shock and awe attack against Iran.

Hillary Clinton will be left with the mess."

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