Monday, September 3, 2007

Returning Congress Critters Support Neocon Mass Murder Plan

By Kurt Nimmo

""US President George W. Bush is gaining support among both wavering Republicans and anti-war Democrats for his embattled Iraq strategy, a top White House aide said Sunday,” reports News for Yahoos. “Speaking as Congress awaits a pivotal report on the progress of Bush’s ’surge’ of nearly 30,000 more troops, new White House counselor Ed Gillespie said the deployment was curbing Iraq’s rampant bloodshed.”

First, Democrats should remember, they were able to gain control of the district of criminals in part because the American people are sick and tired of Iraq and want the troops home. Of course, it was wholly predictable Democrats would betray their so-called constituents and roll-over like well-trained dogs for the dominant neocons, a disgusting state of affairs I predicted long before the 2006 elections. If our rulers wanted to put an end to the Iraq embroglio, they would have done so months ago. Instead, they allow the neocon faction to do its dirty work, including the up-coming shock and awe campaign directed against the people of Iran......"

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