Thursday, September 13, 2007

Revved Up Manufacture of Consent to Attack Iran: Iran accused over attack on US Iraq base

"A US general today accused Shia militants backed by Iran of executing a deadly rocket attack on a US military headquarters in Iraq as the US president, George Bush, prepared to ask the American people to give his war strategy more time.
One person was killed and a dozen injured in the incident, which happened when a 240mm rocket hit Camp Victory, a sprawling base near Baghdad international airport, two days ago.

The US claims such rockets are supplied to Shia extremists by Tehran.

Major General Kevin Bergner said the rocket was launched from the Rasheed district of west Baghdad, which he said had been infiltrated by the Mahdi army militia of the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

In a speech tonight, Mr Bush is expected to cite the threat from Iran as a reason for maintaining a heavy US troop presence in Iraq......."

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