Saturday, September 1, 2007

Sarkozy Gives Neocons a Nod and Wink

By Kurt Nimmo

"Now we have the little neocon stooge, French president Sarkozy, characterizing “Iran’s nuclear ambition the world’s most dangerous problem” and threatening to bomb the country “if it persisted in building an atomic weapon,” reports the Times Online. “The biggest challenge to the world was the avoidance of conflict between Islam and the West, President Sarkozy told the annual gathering of French ambassadors. Iran was the crossroads of the Middle East’s troubles and its nuclear aims ‘are without doubt the most serious crisis that weighs today on the international scene’, he said.”

As a French version of a neocon, Mr. Sarkozy is a proponent of “conflict between Islam and the West,” not the other way around, a fact revealed by his comments about Iran building a “nuclear weapon,” a fantasy at best. In order to learn the truth, Sarkozy only need consult the IAEA, or at least read the news......."

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