Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Surging Toward Iran

The surge is buying time – for what?

By Justin Raimondo

"Amid all the back-and-forth between the administration and its critics about how to measure "progress" in Iraq, what gets lost is the question asked by Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) at the Petraeus-Crocker hearings the other day:

"I have to ask this question: where is this going? … Are we going to continue to invest American blood and treasure at the same rate we are doing now. For what? The president said let's buy time. Buy time? For what?"

Petraeus is surely cooking the books, as the folks aver in their great New York Times ad – nice to see they're (finally!) growing a pair – but this avoids the larger question: what is the administration really up to in Iraq? They're hanging on, "buying time," as the pundits ceaselessly report – but what do they hope to accomplish?

If you go through the Petraeus report, the key passages are those that deal with Iran......."

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