Saturday, September 15, 2007

US meddling in Lebanon's internal affairs again…

Al-Manar Special - Hanan Awarekeh

"15/09/2007 The US ambassador to Beirut claimed on Friday that his country would not meddle in Lebanon’s upcoming presidential poll but made clear that Washington will not recognize anyone it viewed as a "renegade" head of state.
“We continue to recognize the government that has the vote of confidence in parliament,” Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman said, referring to the unconstitutional government of Fouad Saniora which enjoys wide US backing.
“The new president will trigger the formation of a new government but until that time we will recognize the government that has the vote of confidence of parliament,” according to Feltman.
Feltman said that if President Emile Lahoud appoints, as he has suggested, someone to provisionally replace Saniora, in case they didn't elect someone before 25 of September, the US would not condone such a move.
In a separate issue, Feltman expressed his country's concern that Hezbollah has weapons that could reach deep inside the Palestinian occupied territories and alleged that there was clear evidence Hezbollah was still smuggling weapons across the Syrian border, in violation of UN resolutions, according to his expressions. "

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