Monday, October 29, 2007

American firms to advise The Puppet PA on security forces

"American firms selected by the the U.S. administration will advise the Palestinian Authority on the organization, training and equipment of its security forces, according to Jacob Walles, American consul general in Jerusalem.

The U.S. diplomat added that the American security assistance will be carried out in consultation with the U.S. security coordinator in the territories, General Keith Dayton. Walles said that the U.S. sees a considerable improvement in the performance of the Palestinian security forces.

The consul also said that U.S. President George W. Bush is asking Congress to approve $400 million in new aid for the Palestinian Authority in addition to the $77 million in security assistance that has already been approved.

Jacob Walles told Palestinian journalists of the new request in a meeting.......

On Monday in Gaza, several thousand people attended a Hamas rally, where Hamas lawmaker Mushir Masri told the crowd that Hamas is using arms supplied by the U.S. and Israel.

"Hamas militants are fighting you with the weapons that you gave to the (pro-Abbas) security agencies," he said."

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